Enfocus and printIQ team up to deliver true workflow automation.
The IQconnect – Enfocus Switch module takes automation to a new level by integrating the printIQ MIS directly with your pre-press workflows. We now offer the ability to take an order online, accept payment, pre-flight files, proof, impose and send directly to the press without operator intervention. The result is a highly automated, and cost effective, workflow. For something that five years ago was a mere pipe dream, we’re now able to deliver this as an out of the box solution. This as a quantum shift in workflow automation and we’re therefore very proud to be partnering with Enfocus to deliver this functionality within printIQ.
The addition of Enfocus Pitstop and Switch technology within the printIQ workflow means we can now offer a fully integrated workflow solution that combines best in class OEM technologies with our own powerful set of integrated tools. Not only does this provide us with a competitive edge as a web based MIS provider to the digital offset, signage and wide format markets. It also brings added value to our customers by automating the checking, reporting and correcting of web-to-print orders immediately upon delivery to the printer. We then use Switch to connect your prepress workflow in intelligent and intuitive ways, thereby creating the smartest, automated production workflow in existence. The other massive benefit for our clients is the opportunity to replace disparate legacy software and outdated workflows.
PitStop Pro offers all the necessary interactive error checking and correction possibilities. Why manually check your files, when Enfocus offers a first level of automation through PitStop Server. PitStop Server is a hot folder-based application that allows automatic checking and correction of incoming PDF files. Switch fully automates the quality of your files and how they’re created, shared and received. Switch also integrates and connects to third-party applications in your workflow, linking everything together into a customized production flow.
We had a goal to deliver true workflow automation without the headaches, this meant a lot of extra work for the team but it circumvented the issue of our customers being sandwiched between suppliers. The end result is printIQ integrating directly with the pre-press workflows offered by Enfocus. This takes automation to a whole new level. We now offer the ability to take order online, accept payment, pre-flight files, correct them, proof them, and send them directly to the press without operator intervention.
This fully integrated workflow solution combines best in class OEM technologies with our own powerful set of integrated tools. Not only does this provide us with a competitive edge as a web based MWS provider; it also brings added value to our customers by automating the checking, reporting and correcting of web-to-print orders immediately upon delivery to the printer.
This provides a highly automated, and cost effective, workflow that provides the framework needed to adhere to extremely tight production schedules. This is a quantum shift in workflow automation. It’s clear that this type of automation could mean the difference between success and failure for a printing company.
What You Can Achieve
- Automated preflighting of artwork as it is submitted
- Automate the delivery of proofs to and from customers
- Direct jobs and artwork to dedicated queues based on job type
- Automatically impose artwork ready to print
- Integrate jobs directly to the press’ RIP queue or straight onto the press itself
IQconnect – enfocus SWITCH – Preflight
IQconnect – enfocus SWITCH – Preflight and Proof
IQconnect – enfocus SWITCH – Success Process
In this video we display the process from a customer, or end user, perspective. The process displays an acceptable file submission process.
IQconnect – enfocus SWITCH – Fail Process
In this video we display the process from a customer, or end user, perspective. The process displays an unacceptable file submission process.