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printIQ Integration with HP PrintOS

If you’d like to radically simplify the process of receiving, validating, and printing customer files, then our latest printIQ integration with HP PrintOS should pique your interest.

If you’d like to radically simplify the process of receiving, validating, and printing customer files, then our latest printIQ integration with HP PrintOS should pique your interest.

By combining printIQ and HP PrintOS Box you can easily increase the number of jobs that enter the production pipeline each and every day, while optimizing human resources.

With printIQ, we already offer the most comprehensive print management system on the market today,” explains Mick Rowan, printIQ’s ’s Head of Product Development. “However, by integrating with HP Box we are able to offer our HP customers a lights-out route to the press.”

This fully automated workflow will allow end-users to quote, pay, and upload artwork directly onto printIQ (just as they’ve always have). However, internally the jobs will route automatically from printIQ to HP Box. It’s here that the jobs will be preflighted, imposed and sent directly to the press, with status updates and timings logged directly in printIQ.

The key benefit of utilising the IQconnect-Automate HP Box module (apart from the cost and timing saving!) is that the workflow is managed within printIQ. Therefore, all reporting information is returned to printIQ from Box, making the printIQ management workflow system, the central command and repository for all job info.

By creating a flow from printIQ, we are able to trigger reports from the actions taking place within the workflow, updating production boards and dashboard throughout the business. We’ll keep staff, and customers, updated on the progress of their jobs as they travel through production.

This is lights-out fully automated prepress, with two-way communication between printIQ and HP PrintOS, ensuring that the data is passed between the two systems without the need for human intervention. This increases throughput, reduces the opportunity for human error, and reduces time to get orders out the door.

The Benefits

  • Move jobs into production without human intervention
  • Fewer touchpoints means less errors
  • Automated preflight of artwork as it is submitted to HP BOX
  • Automatically imposed artwork ready to print
  • Integrate jobs directly from the customer to the press
We look forward to further developing our relationship with HP and continuing down the path of product development together.
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