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Solutions For Digital Printing

Whether you’re a fully digital shop or just starting to expand into the digital space, your software must support your operation.

With shorter runs, faster turnarounds, and tighter margins, your business needs to run efficiently with a hands-off approach.

Our passion is developing innovative technology that empowers printers to adapt to any change in the market and overcome their greatest obstacles.

••• A Highly Intuitive Interface

Deliver a World-Class Customer Experience

Streamline and simplify your customer’s experience with unlimited self-serve portals for estimating, ordering, paying, and tracking orders through a highly intuitive interface. PrintIQ is a 100% cloud-based MIS, so the eCommerce solution is built-in instead of a bolt-on solution.

  • Fully secured access to the customer portal
  • Customers quote all types of work themselves
  • Artwork submission with built-in proofing
  • Credit card payment gateway
  • Job track module

Optimize and Streamline Production

Achieve a paperless workflow powered by real-time data that enables your team to view production holistically and drill down to focus on their personal workflows.

  • Online production boards give you a full view of the floor regardless of where you are
  • Tablet optimization and a smartphone app will keep production moving and enable shop floor data collection
  • Digital job bag to manage the job in real-time, which in turn feeds status updates back to the production board
  • Switch production paths without affecting the quote
  • The job track module keeps your customers and sales staff informed

Automate and Increase Efficiencies

The printIQ automation tools eliminate repetitive tasks and manual re-keying of data to reduce errors and free your staff to focus on more profitable work. Automate quoting, job submission, payment, prepress, proofing, production, finishing, delivery, and fulfillment to keep pace with customer demand.

  • Customers complete quotes and orders online, right through to paying by credit card
  • Manage your proofing from within the MIS right through to annotation and acceptance/rejection by your customer
  • Automated artwork pre-flighting
  • Integration direct to your digital press

Empowering Digital Printers

With dedicated workflows and streamlined job management tools, printIQ is the perfect match for your digital print business.

Access Information Anytime From Anywhere

Cloud-based technology gives you the ability to run your business from anywhere, 24/7/365.

  • Access printIQ from your desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone
  • Create estimates, manage production, schedule jobs, and run your business from anywhere
  • Quickly and efficiently respond to customer inquiries
  • Gain visibility to the information you need, when you need it