Approve Module
Take control of your own artwork and approval process.
The Approve module provides a logical and easy-to-use communication tool that transforms an often drawn out, manually intensive effort into an automated and streamlined workflow.
By moving the process online, customers can take control of their own artwork and approval process. The simple and sensible approach removes you from the process, along with the risk and responsibility that goes with it.
••• Easy-to-use Tool
Key Features of the Approve Module
- Improved line of sight with customers able to see all proofing tasks within their customer portal
- Job due dates can be set to automatically refresh once a proof is accepted
- Automated proof reminder emails can help to keep the job moving
- Once the proof is accepted, the job progresses through pre press without the need for your customer service team to be involved
- Customers can re-submit artwork or get help from their account manager, all from within the customer portal
Adding Value with Integration
Extend your automation capabilities by adding Enfocus Switch into the mix. Together, printIQ and Switch deliver a lights out proofing workflow where a low res, high res or imposed proof is generated and sent to the customer without your pre press being involved.
The end result is a 100% automated quote acceptance, job creation, proof generation and sign off solution. The Approve module also integrates with the Enfocus proofing module for enhanced viewing and annotation of proof files.

Why Choose the Approve Module?
Eliminate time consuming manual tasks with the workflow being self serviced by your customer
Simple and sensible automation that adds real value to your online offering
Improved efficiency and speed of job turn- around time
Move the risk and responsibility of artwork management to your customer with full logging and tracking features to back you up